Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sagada Weekend (Part 1)

November 29-30, 2012

If there was one consistent feeling I've had this whole trip, it would be anxiety. haha. not the best opening statement for an adventure blog I know.. but you'll understand why later on. and mind you, it's not necessarily a bad thing. :)

for starters,  we had to make sure we were at the Cable Tours Bus Station in E.Rod by 7:30 pm. kaso it was the same night the QCC Party sponsored by HR and it was scheduled to start at 5:30 pm pa. so I had to make sure I left not later than 6:30 pm and rush from Traders Hotel to E. Rodriguez, Q.C.! considering it was a Friday and long weekend pa, it was a bit tight .

reminder from Katie
I think I have never been more tense in my entire life. the bus trips had specific schedules kasi and missing that would mean I would have to wait until the next day or take a bus to Baguio and find a ride from there going to Sagada. sa desperation ko, I opted to get a service taxi worth Php 500 just to make sure I get there on time. sinabihan ko pa si manong na dadagdagan ko makaabot lang ako ng 7:30 pm.

alas, traffic was really bad that time. so I ended up getting there just before 8 pm. good thing, it was nowhere close to leaving, late as I was and apparently they haven't started boarding yet. just the same, binigyan ko na rin ng a little extra si manong for his efforts.

while Katie shared specific instuctions in her FB reminder, medyo nahirapan ako to figure out where to go down. from the landmarks specified kasi there was no visible sign that there was a bus station anywhere in the area.

as I was unsure where to go, I waited for Jeff, Katie and Chai outside Burger King which was on the same side of the road as Trinity University. when they arrived, we walked towards a narrow path sa side ng school. and it turns out sa looban pa pala ang bus station

Cable Tours' "bus station"
yes, yan na ang bus station. kahit it seemed more of a parking lot than an actual station, it had a comfort room naman and a sari-sari store.

speaking of comfort room, actually had a funny/awkward experience. there was a floating "pupu" sa toilet that will not flush. nakakahiya lang when it was my turn to go outside and the person next to me would think it was mine. apparently, even those who went in at least a good hour before me had trouble flushing it down. haha. unsinkable piece of shit.

btw, the MNL group was down to 4. so that's me, Jeff, Katie and Chai. originally we were supposed to be 8 from MNL. kaso they all had other plans or what not, so it was just us and another friend of Katie's who lives in Baguio and who we'll just meet up with in Sagada

test of friendship daw itong trip na to. haha. which got me thinking: Jeff had hesitations in going and only persuaded Chai to go. so kung nagkataon e it would have just been me and Katie! haha

waiting for boarding
anyway, it took at least a good 30 mins pa before we started boarding. gave us time to buy burgers and fries for dinner.

finally time for boarding. our ticket was bought before hand (thanks to Katie dahil tickets are hard to come by if you plan on buying it on the same day as your planned departure). a ticket for a one way trip costs Php 750 (Manila - Sagada)

good thing we were early na rin pala. when we got in some passengers were complaining that others were in their seats. mukhang they were issued the same bus seat numbers. some ended up in the middle seats tuloy. golly. 12 hours in the middle seat! can't imagine.

at least we were finally settled in.

considering it was night time we had nothing to do but sleep. so nothing memorable for the next few hours.

we had a stopover though in one gas station which probably had the most bonggang CR fixtures ever

o dba? fountains and statues

the rest of the trip went by like a blur since we spent most of the time sleeping and we would just wake up from time to time

the bus was terribly chilly though. halata naman sa aming balabal all over. I really underestimated the weather/temperature and came to trip a bit unready for the extremely cold temperature. I only had a light jacket with me and forgot to bring Jeff's jacket, so we had to compensate for it thru layers of clothing. and mind you, this was only the bus we're talking about. not sure yet how much colder it will be in Sagada.

at around 5 am before reaching Bontoc, we had our first 
view of the rice terraces

blurry shot from inside the bus

we had another stopover before reaching Bontoc, and that's where I came to know that bags of chips tend to get puffy in these areas because of the high altitude. haha. nakakahiya that I only found out about it now.

the only food we had with us from Manila were chips so we bought some kakanin, pansit, and lumpia, which served as our breakfast na

still a long way to go pa pala from this point

good thing the road to Sagada was paved with amazing landscapes; so we entertained ourselves by taking photos!

nice timing, Chai; haha ba't naman ako nakasimangot dito

yes, parang nasa NY lang si Jeff

alien messages? haha

didn't know where this was leading to exactly, but any welcome sign is good

and finally, Sagada!

our bus stopped in front of the hospital. we waited a bit trying to figure out if it was time to go down na since the bus driver/conductor wasn't prompting us to go. since some of the passengers went down na, we followed suit and figured it was officially the start of our Sagada trip!

p.s. by this time we found out that Katie's friend from Baguio won't be able to join us na rin--so from 9 to 5 and now down to 4. haha. test of friendship nga talaga.

now where to go?

apparently all tourists had to register upon arrival in Sagada. so we looked for the municipal hall  for the registration

we paid Php 35 each for the registration. the municipal hall had a tourist information center, so those interested in availing of tour packages can ask here too

good thing Katie had a planned itinerary this whole time and have coordinated with a guide na prior to us arriving

below is an excerpt from the itinerary/trip spreadsheet created by Katie:

this also serves like a sort of overview na rin of our Sagada weekend :)

post-registration--off to search for George Guesthouse

I honestly did not read up much on Sagada and relied on stories from friends/colleagues who have previously been to Sagada so I really had no expectations coming into this trip especially in terms of lodging

finally George Guest House - our home for the next 2 days

since we were originally 9, we rented a room which would fit 9 pax. we were given the penthouse (yes, penthouse) which had 4 beds and spacious enough for 9. but since 4 na lang kami, we ended up having a bed each! not bad. plus it only costs 1,500/night! not bad at all.
definitely a far cry from an earlier trip to Zambales also with Jeff's GW friends :)

yes... penthouse....

it must get really chilly here. we each got 2 blankets

syempre he just had to wear the blanket origami. haha
so we rested a bit. freshened up and prepared for the afternoon ahead: spelunking! woohoo!
we actually had 2 options: explore Sumaguing cave (2 hours) and do the Cave Connection (4 hours) syempre since nandito na rin na kami, we decided to continue on with the longer trek

since we arrived in Sagada around 10:30 am na, we arranged to meet with the guide at 1 pm. so we had enough time to settle in, rest, freshen up, change clothes and have lunch

view from our room

we had a number of options available for our first lunch in Sagada, but since the place was known for its Pinikpikan and since it was particularly close to George GH, the group decided to eat here na

some photos on the Pinikpikan Haus we went to:

the Pinikpikan Haus sure had a lot of interesting trinkets and it could have well been a museum na rin because of some cultural artifacts they had

Pinikpikan is quite popular pala in this region. it is essentially a chicken dish similar to nilagang baka. what's unique (and may be even unlawful) about it is how it is actually prepared.

borrowing the words from a Wikipedia entry on Pinikpikan: It is prepared by beating a live chicken with a stick prior to cooking. The beating bruises the chicken's flesh, bringing blood to its surface, which is said to improve the flavour after cooking

we actually saw this for ourselves when we explored the back portion of the restaurant

Pini-pikpik na mga manok

since I knew I was gonna end up eating a chicken which was treated similarly, I could not bear to watch them longer or take a closer look

the girls each ordered  the Pinikpikan meal while Jeff opted to get a Chicken Curry meal since we could share dishes naman

finally lunch is served!

Pinikpikan meal

Chicken Curry

the Curry was steady naman. nothing out of the ordinary.

my experience of the Pinikpikan meal was something else though. It took a while for me to appreciate the dish. the first few bites were a struggle because for one, I did not think the red rice was a good match for the dish. It was the first time ever that I've had that kind of rice and from the taste, I felt it will only be appropriate for dry/fried dishes. also, the meat was quite bitter and tasted like burnt paper. yun pala, I was eating pieces of grilled beef mixed into the soup and have not had any of the chicken just yet!

finally, having had the chicken, while the cooking/flavouring process may come off as a bit gruesome, I now understand why they go thru the lengths of having to "pikpik" the chickens.

with now full tummies, it's time to explore!

we went to the SAGGAS center where we're meeting our guide

I would have to say this has got to be one of the most organized tour guide groups I've encountered. and they actually have a functional website. so if you're planning to go to Sagada, it would be worthwhile to check their website out:

hoping we would not need to use any of these

we're ready!
our assigned tour guide was Kuya Daryl, who reminds me a lot of Jeff's friend from Bike Plus. anyway, we just had to walk pala to get to the caves and it was actually just along the same road where George GH is.

limestone rock formations are seen almost everywhere

we had a quick stopover in a viewing deck

which in fact turned out to be the viewing deck for the hanging coffins

too bad we didn't get to bring the the zoom lens for Jeff's camera, but here's an attempt to get a closer look

I was actually expecting to see them more up close and I hoped we'd have time to do that the following day

group photo with a view (?) of the hanging coffins
after at least a good 15-20 mins walk, we saw this marker and had another stop over.

Kuya Daryl suggested we buy food/water since it would take us about 4-5 hours rin for the spelunking

we also met with another tour guide - Kuya Denver. apparently each group needed to have 2 guides as an SOP.

with our guide, Daryl
so while we bought water for our eventual thirst, he also refilled his oil lamps.

Jeff carefully observes. haha

after about 10 mins, again we were off! now closer to the caves

where's Jobie?
it was at least a good 2 km walk

Daryl motioned for us to stop across a ravine and showed us another set of coffins, this time located way down the valley

they seem to have coffins lying around everywhere
across the ravine was this sign--hardly visible, but the marker signifies the official start of our trek/spelunking!

Lumiang cave marker

this also signifies the start of Katie's plight. haha.

the trek down was fairly easy. I'm not sure if I can say the same for the rest of our trip.

viewing deck

down we go..

finally reaching the entrance to the cave

where there were actually more coffins!

Lumiang Burial Cave
according to Kuya Daryl, he was part of the group who arranged the placement of these coffins to look the way it does now. I think when these caves were first found, the coffins were all over the place

a closer look

a coffin containing a lizard/gecko which to those in Sagada symbolizes fertility and longevity. I also read in another blog that coffins containing this symbol means the owner of the coffin is one of the elders/an esteemed leader 

finally time to head further down for the Cave Connection spelunking!

one final look outside before the descent
we had to turn over our bags with our guides since it would be hard for us to move around with these.

the oil lamps, finally on.. 
since it has taken me a month to write up this blog, I could no longer remember exact details of each the photos here. haha. but will try to update it when I get inputs from Jeff. haha.

when I mentioned at the start that this whole trip made me feel anxious, it was amplified even more inside the caves

much of the "moves" we had to do really made my heart pound and made me question if I could actually pull it off

kind of like this photo below of Katie going down this hole.

when it was my turn I was so worried about not making the right step and falling down. it was good our guides gave clear and specific instructions about where to step and all. sa totoo lang I think I struggled a bit because I was trying to think too much about how I needed to get it done.

sabi nga ni Jeff don't think, just do it! syempre that to me was not acceptable. but writing up this blog, actually made me realize na, oo nga, I just had to follow their lead and at times rely on their strong knees and shoulders. haha.

we survived! haha. una palang yun.

in this next hole we had go down using a rope naman

hindi halatang pagod

taking a breather muna hehe

and yes it just keeps on becoming more challenging and we learned when it was best to leap or sit and slide down to get to where we needed to go

haha, ano ito condescending looks?
whew! good job guys! though we had to let other groups behind us go ahead since medyo mabagal kami bumaba. hehe

going further down the caves

and encountering other fellow spelunkers

finally on relatively flat grounds

walnut in PvZ? hehe
seemingly a bonfire

potholes on the ground

spelunking antagonist: slippery rocks

in between and thru the rocks we go

on top of a frog rock

amazing rock formations

it's a cave party!

various groups of spelunkers come together

funny shot: Jeff and Chai pose with all smiles while Katie struggles to get across haha.

i forget the exact name of the rock; but I think they call it the queen; with reference to the female part looking formation on the left; Jeff anong kinakapa mo dyan? ;p

by a wading pool

turtle-looking rock formation

kung kanina may Queen eto naman daw yung King :p

Chocolate Marble cupcake, anyone?


a natural work of art

one final rest before ascending

have never been more relieved to see the outside world again

the Sagada group on the opposite mouth of the cave

hindi pa pala tapos ang kalbaryo :p

and finally we were out on the other end of the cave by a little past 6 pm. this actually looked like a better starting point with the welcome markers and all. this was at least a good 2 kms more from the Lumiang cave marker where we started.

we headed back towards the hotel and said goodbye to our guides. we also talked about plans for the following day and Kuya Daryl suggested for us to be up as early as 3 am so we can see the sunrise. our Lumiang/Sumaguing/Cave Connection spelunking adventure cost Php 400/head. not bad for 5 hours!

seeing this toddler eating a corn, we were reminded that it was time for dinner!

Chai with the cute kid

since we passed by it on our way to the caves and having heard other tourists specifically ask for directions on where to find it, we got intrigued and decided to have dinner at the Lemon Pie House

this place must really be well known since it was packed all the way to the back of the room. good thing there was one available table enough for the 4 of us

dirty hands

Lemon Pie House menu - full of chicken dishes
we wondered if Sagada just raised chickens. they seemed to only serve chicken dishes kasi or kung other meats man they would have the processed kinds lang. also, the kinds of dishes they served in all the restaurants are pretty consistent. while Pinikpikan is a specialty here so most of them would really offer it, pero Chicken curry was also served everywhere

planning for the ride back home

waiting for our food

native designed lighting

it took quite a while for our orders to be served. medyo naging irate na rin yung ibang customers since some of our orders got mixed up. things got a bit interesting though when the 'manager' came out and started berating her staff in front of everyone. she even shouted at some customers. tsk tsk. buti everyone else laughed off the situation na lang and just made a joke out of the manager. 

red spicy chicken and chicken adobo
thankfully okay naman yung food. i enjoyed the potato salad that came with my spicy chicken. the chicken tasted like it was cooked in Cholimex which was okay. medyo too spicy lang though. Jeff's adobo was a bit sweet. parang pininyahan type.

we also ordered a slice of their lemon pie, kaso they ran out of it na as well as all their other desserts. seems they were really known for their sweets.

a mini-table and mini-chairs at the front part of Lemon House

bye killer manager!
since we wanted to have dessert and they were out of lemon pie; we decided to have dessert else where. walking a little past George GH, we came across Strawberry Cafe

Strawberry Cafe

looked like a normal house from outside

we ordered Chocolate cake which had strawberries on top

we also bought a bottle of Emperador Brandy to help with the cold. I ended up just having 2 shots of it as I couldn't take the taste and felt too tired to stay up pa. and since we had to be up by 3 am, tama na rin to finally take a much deserved rest.

of course that was not until we all had taken our showers considering the dirt and mud on our bodies/clothing. since we did a lot of sliding down, it was not a surprise our undies came out muddy to the point that I wasn't sure if I can manage to get it out of the cloth.

this is just Part 1 of our trip. watch out for Part 2 of our Sagada Weekend which I hope to finish soon!

credits to Wikipedia, Monette Hermosa, The Poor Traveller for some details on Lumiang cave/Cave Connection